Friday, July 22, 2016


Join John Neal, Richard EwellJonathan Williams, and Bryan Silverbax as they go to Hollywood and discuss the connections between celebrities and wrestling. From Andy Kaufman to Mr. T to Dennis Rodman. The ESO PRO Crew dig through the history books to uncover some of the oddest additions to wrestling via Hollywood such as a certain WCW Champion and Robocop.

But Wait, There’s more!
We talk with Artist Bryan Silverbax about his awesome art and love of professional wrestling!
Also, John and Richard have a talk about two very popular subjects as of late. Brock Lesnar’s successful win in the octagon and what effects if will have on his future in pro wrestling along with his new Summerslam opponent in The Viper Randy Orton. The second subject is about The Final Deletion involving The Hardy Boys which has lit a fire for the good or the bad in the wrestling industry. Was it for comedy? Was it a dramatic piece? They discuss the entire directors cut on this episode!
And last but certainly not least. The very first edition of the ESO PRO Gameshow, NAME THAT WRESTLER premieres!
Be a part of the show and interact with the crew on the facebook group @ or email us at or you can even give us a call @ (404) 963-9057 and give us feedback. How do we know if we are doing it right or wrong if you don’t tell us?

Friday, July 15, 2016

ESO PRO Wrestling Roundtable Episode 30: Pro Wrestling Time Machine: Great American Bash 1988

Join “Surreal” John Neal, “The Whirlpool” Richard Ewell (, “Scary” Jerry Chandler (, “Millions” Jonathan Williams ( as they hop in to the Delorean and go back in time! All the way back to 28 years to July 10, 1988 for The Great American Bash: The Price For Freedom. This card is loaded with managers, hall of famers, and extension ladders!

From Sting and Nikita Koloff to the triple cage match Tower Of Doom. The card features the Four Horseman trying to hold on to all their titles against the likes of Lex Luger, Dusty Rhodes, and the previously mentioned Sting and Nikita Koloff. Also, we watch as the wrestling world wonders if Precious will choose Jimmy Garvin or Kevin Sullivan.
Along with the PPV discussion we have a very special interview from Dragon Con’s Director of Sci Fi Classics Track Joe Crowe who was lucky enough to talk with NWA referee Roy George. He has also worked with other major federations over the past 35 years!
Be a part of the show and interact with the crew on the facebook group @ or email us at or you can even give us a call @ (404) 963-9057 and give us feedback. How do we know if we are doing it right or wrong if you don’t tell us?

Monday, July 11, 2016

Power Rangers Issue 2: Reviewed

After a good setup in Issue One of the Power Rangers which was reviewed here on the site, the team of writer Kyle Higgins and artist Hendry Prasetya proves that they are out to create good stories with the original Power Rangers. Now, since this is issue two, expect minor spoilers but nothing that would ruin it for readers and enough for non-readers to enjoy this article. While its still obvious that the focus is the Green Ranger, this issue really started to flesh out the team. We get a good couple of pages with Billy and Trini getting some good development of their characters. We also get Jason and Kimberly interacting in a very real way. As far as Zack goes in this issue, well if you're a fan of his then you might be disappointed.

Friday, July 8, 2016

A visit to the Needless Things Podcast to discuss...

Phantom Troublemaker, Ryan Schweck, R.T. Ewell, and Mr. Beau Brown share memories of the entertainment powerhouse that was Nickelodeon in the 1980s!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Vote Loki & Batman: Reviewed

Batman #1 Review
Released June 15,2016
Art By David Finch & Matt Banning
Story By Tom King

Your Eyes do not deceive you; this is issue number one of Batman. there have been many number ones for the Caped Crusader including the previous month which I could explain but for simplicity reason I will hold off. Rebirth isn't so much of an event in the DC universe but more of an apology/reboot the past several years of things that have been going on. I didn't keep up with any titles in the New 52 including Batman but I've heard some really good things about the old run so I figured I would give this new start a chance.

In the age of the Internet it's hard for me to stay away from spoilers and this was not an exception. Even though I bought and read the book on the day after it came out the end was tad spoiled for me. That did not stop me from wanting to read the story to the end. This story reminds me of the end of an action movie except with this one, it was tough to see how the Dark Knight was or if he was going to get out of this predicament.

The pacing is excellent with some emotional scenes between Alfred and Batman over communication devices. I enjoyed the art which captured the action in the most perfect way with some cool panels. If you haven't read Batman in a while you should be able to keep up with the story lines and characters.

However, somewhat of a possible spoiler, there is someone that I have never heard of who is Robin now but that seems like it will be a good fit going into the future. Apparently, there is a whole book of different Robins.

If you want to start reading a unique Batman book I believe this will be it especially according to the end of this book. I believe Gotham City has some changes coming...

Vote Loki #1
Released June 15, 2016
Art By Langdon Foss
Story By Christopher Hastings

Vote Loki is a book I had no idea about as I walked into the comic book store but just look at that cover. That is a cover that will sell books. Without getting into politics, whoever green lit this book should get a bonus or a promotion or both. With the upcoming election in the U.S. this year, the release of this book is absolutely brilliant starring the perfect trickster to pull this storyline off. That's right, Loki, Thor's brother who in my eyes was boosted to major popularity with The Avenger's movie, is the star of this book.

This book is exactly what you would think it was about with a title like Vote Loki. During election with candidates that nobody is happy with (sound familiar), Loki shows up to try to butter up the voters. In classic trickster fashion, the reader is never exactly sure of his actions. The dialogue the writer gives him is perfect as he interacts with the humans he is or isn't trying to trick. See what I did there.

There is a character that I am not familiar with who seems to be one of the main characters who is just human but has an interesting past with Loki. It's not fully developed in this book but if I am right as to where they going, this is a brilliant move for Loki.

I am glad this book exists. It's a great mini series that will spark up debate whether serious or not so serious. I, for one can't wait to see where they go with this and I am just hoping the covers keep being as amazing as this one.


Friday, July 1, 2016

A New Cover For Fat Trapped

That's right, Fat Trapped has a new cover and the above image is just a tease. Before I reveal the image in its entirety I wanted to talk about the history of the book. It's hard to believe its been almost two years since the book was released in ebook and paperback form. Seems like just yesterday and forever all at the same time. Back in 2012 as I was gearing up to choose a cover I chose an artist to produce a cover. A cover to this day that I still love and think is a fun throwback to an older horror movie which is the vibe I went for.